Ah, free verse. Or as in many cases it should be called pointless-musings-that-aren't-even-poetic-but-somehow-still-make-it-into-the-books. An excellent example of this can be found in William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow." I have found that people will often, upon analyzing the more pointless of these poems, discover truths that the author couldn't possibly have known he or she was writing about. It's really quite incredible. As for this poem, I can't wait to learn what I meant when I wrote it.
Sitting on
the airport floor
Lies a symbol of
American greatness:
A little blue duffel bag
ready for departure.
Sitting on
the airport floor
Lies a symbol of
American greatness:
A little blue duffel bag
ready for departure.
This clearly represents the simplicity behind the theory of the American Dream. The blue bag represents the baggage of the immigrants.