Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clearly Playing Favorites

My mother always compliments
My brother on his whistling skill
But never commends my shy attempts
To show how well I belch at will.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Pretty Awesome

Incredible isn't it—the satellite dish.
That we can watch upon a wish
Any variety of people and things
Fly before us on the glorious wings
Of today's technology.

Trustworthy Truths

All animals always act annoyingly allusive.
Sad solicitors supposedly sober simple slobs.
Amateur actors ardently allocate all and any actions.
Slimy salamanders sleep so soundly.
Alliteration always adds an awe-inspiring air.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Expires: Jan 24 09

Can blue cheese mold when it gets old?
Does it expire or ever retire
To the land of trash to be turned into ash?
Or does it last forever unending, this tasteful blue blending,
Of cheese and mold. What will unfold?
I do not know. Soooooo...
I guess I'll just take a bite and see what happens.

Join me next time when I investigate: "Sour Cream: Can It Go Sour?"

Thanks for the Confidence Boost, Google

Google just informed me that I have
No friends, no acquaintances, and no following.
It's like online I don't exist...
I've never felt so depressed.

Everything But The...

Neglected, betrayed—
It must feel so excluded—
The poor kitchen sink.