Monday, February 16, 2015

What Do Fish Learn In School?

A friend found this scribbled on a chip of sea shell during a diving exhibition in the Coral Sea. Upon translation, it appears to be a piece of politically motivated literature now attributed to a shark cult, which historians believe formed in the early 2000's, advocating equal treatment for all fishes.

When dusk arrives and you need a bite,
Consider what is just and right;
For as surely as sharks are fishes too,
Fish are friends, not food.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


There are times when a rhyme cannot even come close
To the feelings you harbor and cherish the most,
And given that rhythm is often abused,
It may muddle the meaning expressed by your muse.

But sometimes these cramped lines of dull words explode
Into beautiful branches of poetry's road.
Each verse you traverse is a path to explore
With each tour you discover there is more than before.