Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cleaning Some Teeth on a Sunny Morning

Whose teeth these are I do not know.
His mouth is in my office though;
He seems to mind me working here
To clean his teeth before he goes.

My hands move deftly as they clear
The plaque with my plaque removing spear.
I find mixed in are bits of steak;
He didn't brush it would appear.

People don't realize how hard they make
My job when they don't even take
The time to brush and floss their teeth,
So through their lunch I have to rake.

It could take hours to clean his teeth.
But I have scheduled appointments to keep,
And others to clean before I sleep,
And others to clean before I sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one!!! I thought of Dr. John as I read it. The play on words you did with the last stanza was awesome!
