Sunday, October 5, 2014

What's Underneath?

There comes a time in every man's life
To make a decision that will define him
For the rest of his life.
A question so fundamental it will affect his very existence,
And cut deep into his heart like a knife.

It's a private decision;
Few others will know
What choice he makes on that day.
It will come as a question,
That time when every man must say:

Should I wear boxers or should I wear briefs?
Which will help my level of self-confidence increase?
Should I wear boxers or briefs?

But those aren't the only two choices you've got;
You have to choose a color...or if you want polka dots.
I kinda like compression shorts; I wear them all the time.
Or you could go commando if you feel so inclined.

Should I wear boxers or should I wear briefs?
Does one produce restriction and the other bring release?
Should I wear boxers or briefs?

Do I need a fly?
I never use one.
I tend to just pull down...
Sorry, TMI.

And what about PJs? A onesie? Naw.
I could, on the other hand, sleep all natural.

Should I wear boxers or should I wear briefs?
What drawers should I drop when I need some relief?
They say that what matters is what's underneath,
So should I wear boxers or briefs?