Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pondering on the Eve of a Shining New Year

I lie and I wonder
Of bridges and water under,
And I think of the year that has past.
December is gone.
Soon a new year will dawn
And remind us that time does not last.

So I think and I smile,
At least for a while,
Remembering all of the good I have done.
But as road leads to road in my mind I am lost
In all of the evil I stumble across,
And I wonder what I have become.

But then I remember,
On this last day of December,
That the story doesn't end with the fall.
My debts have been paid
When on Jesus they were laid,
And to worry won't help me at all.

I need think no longer
Of the days I have squandered,
For I've been blessed with a shining new year.
So I look and am glad
For the times I have had
And to see the sun's face on this first day appear.