Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A White Pearl in a Sea of Blue

I saw today a marvelous thing
In the sky that is our ceiling.
In the early evening on this summer day,
While the sun still shown with its bright array,
In a sky, as blue as a mountain lake,
Appeared—as if for beauty’s sake—
A moon both full and luminous.
With its radiance it greeted us
And bathed the world, already bright,
With fresh rejuvenated light:
A luminescent mystery
Of Beauty and complexity.
With craters clear as mountains here,
So far away, it seemed so near.
But at the time I could not stop,
Forget my tasks, all worries drop;
No artist did I see to try
And paint the beauty of that sky;
But oh that this should be forgotten!
So paint I this with words here written.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Gospel

Incredible! That God’s spirit should dwell in flesh,
That His son would come to dwell with us,
That from His throne and eternal home,
Christ came to give us righteousness.

Incredible! That as a man,
God experienced the world that we too see
And lived a life of bitter strife
And can relate to you and me.

Incredible! That the blind should see
That paralytics rose to walk,
The deaf were made to hear His voice,
The mute allowed to talk.

Incredible! That some refused
To accept the gift He offered them,
To trade man’s praise for God’s approval
And thus themselves condemned.

Incredible! That Christ should die,
That He who had the right to boast
Was humbled, willing to stand our hurls,
Though in charge of an angelic host.

Incredible! That on that tree,
Hanging far outside the gate,
The sin of you and me were His,
That He became the thing God hates.

Incredible! That, with His death,
The way to life was paved,
That death was slain upon that hill,
That through faith we are saved.

Incredible! That he rose again
To seize His throne in Heaven
And will return one glorious day
To bring His own to Heaven.